5 Tacoma Marketing Tips for the Summer

5 Tacoma Marketing Tips for the Summer

Tacoma Marketing Tips
Summer is finally here (some places more than others…) and it’s time to take a look at some marketing tips for this new season. In the online marketing world it’s vital that you keep up to date on all things marketing and that you have an open mind for the changes that are constantly being implemented in our Tacoma marketing world.

With that being said, here are 5 Marketing Tips for the summer.

1. Update all of your social media

Social media Tacoma plays a huge part in your online marketing and your online presence. So, what happens when someone clicks on your Facebook profile or your Twitter page and sees that you haven’t posted anything in 4 months? Even worse, what if they see that you have been active on your social networks but you banners, avatars, or backgrounds are disproportional or blurry?

Check and make sure that all your social media accounts are optimized correctly.

2. Make sure your website is responsive

This step is definitely easier said than done. However, this is also a step that can lead your website to the next level. Any marketer can tell you that more and more people are searching from their phones and tablets, and less people are searching from their desktops.

It only makes sense that you optimize your website for mobile as much as you can.

3. Change some of your color schemes

It’s Summer! Why not change up some of your color schemes on your website? See what’s trending in colors and adapt some of them onto your website.

This achieves two things: People will feel like you keep your website up to date because the colors are current, and people will enjoy being on your website more.

4. Double check on your keyword choices

The things people search for and the phrases they use when they search can (and does) change over time. This means that just because a lot of people were searching for a certain term a year ago, doesn’t mean that they are still searching for that term today.

Head over to the Google Keyword Planner and take a look at your keywords that you are trying to rank for. Who knows, maybe you’ll see some better opportunities?

5. See what’s trending

As summer approaches, people start searching for different things. As a marketer, you want to tap into these things and take advantage of them while they are there (because they won’t last long). One of the easiest ways to do this is head to Google Trends and search for news that is related to your blog or look up what other people are searching for.

Grab a hold of something that’s trending and create something unique based off of it.

For more Summer Tacoma Marketing Tips contact Marketing Giant today!

My name is Jonathan and I am a Online Marketing and Web & Mobile Engineer with 6 + years of experience, I offer all types of Web & Mobile solutions including: SEO, SEM, PPC, VM, Web & Mobile Development, Mobile & Web Apps and IT Management.

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