5 Issaquah SEO Tools We Can’t Live Without

5 Issaquah SEO Tools We Can’t Live Without

There are many tools available to our disposal in all areas of marketing, especially in the world of SEO. We are planners, analysts, and we love to see the numbers (after all, this is how we can see if what we are doing is working or not). It’s in the nature of our job to digest the numbers, explains the numbers, and make the necessary changes to improve the numbers.

Luckily, we aren’t alone when it comes to this. If you’re looking for free SEO tools to use for your SEO tactics look no further!

Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool

This tool is perhaps one of the most useful tools that we have in our arsenal as SEO specialist. This tool allows you to crawl a website and see EXACTLY what is right and what is wrong from an SEO standpoint. You can see every single meta description, title tag, or alt tag. You can even see how many characters each one of these tags is! Additionally, this tool will let you know what the current best practice standards are for certain tags and components of on-page SEO.

Moz Open-Site Explorer

If you are trying to see your website’s current backlink state or history, look no further than Moz’s Open Site Explorer. This tool will literally tell you how many NOfollow links are pointing to your website, how many DOfollow links are pointing to your website, what pages these links are pointing too and where they are coming from!

If you need to clean up your backlink history, or if you are just curious to see what’s going on off of your website, you won’t be disappointed with this tool.


Copyscape is one of those tools that you don’t know you need until you really need it. Essentially, this tool was designed to be able to spot if any specific page on your website has duplicate content or not. This is a great way to check if your content writers are just stealing content, or if they are actually writing unique posts. Another way to use this tool is to check if someone else is copying your content!

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

Content marketing is more important than ever in the SEO world right now but sometimes it can be difficult to come up with certain topics. This tool solves this problem. In fact, this tool makes this issue go away completely. All you have to do is type in three different nouns that you are trying to write about, and out comes titles that can refocus your entire train of thought into the direction that you are trying to go.

More Tools

Do you need more free SEO tools? We specialize in Issaquah SEO and we would love to recommend some more tools for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!


Marketing Giant offer the best solutions for Online marketing including: SEO, SEM, Social Media and Video Marketing in Tacoma, Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland and Gig harbor Washington.

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