How To Base Your Blog Posts Around The Holidays

How To Base Your Blog Posts Around The Holidays

How To Base Your Blog Posts Around The HolidaysWriting on topics that are relevant to the current time of the year can be crucial in determining whether or not your blog can be successful for that time period or not. Because of this, it is crucial that you don’t limit yourself to only writing about general topics all the time. For example, if Halloween is coming up, why not turn that “how to find great royalty free photos” post to something along the lines of “here are 20 spooky photos for you to use this season”?

It seems simple, but in reality many companies don’t capitalize on the simple opportunities that are put in front of them. Here are some simple tips you can use this holiday season to turn your regular blog posts into relevant, holiday posts and take advantage of the season.

Work With What You Have

As mentioned above, you don’t have to start completely fresh when coming up with topics to write about. In fact, if you already have a calendar content plan for the year you shouldn’t start fresh! Take advantage of what you already have drafted up and just alter the titles to match what is currently going on during the holiday season.


Don’t be scared to give out some freebies. A great idea is to take an hour or so and take some photos that are relevant to the season and zip them up to share with all of your readers. Maybe before giving the photos away have them fill out a contact form and include their email. Nothing is free, after all.

Giving out a freebie will boost your contact form submissions and will direct more traffic to your site.

Get Inspired

Go outside and walk around. Take in your surroundings and get inspired from the current season, naturally. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones. You would be amazed what a simple walk or drive can accomplish in terms of your creativity.

Another great way to get inspired is to read some of your favorite blogs and see what kind of topics they are going with for the season. Obviously you shouldn’t copy exactly what they have, but sometimes seeing or reading something that is related to your topics and spark something great inside of you.

Alter Your Images

This can be on of the easiest ways to let a reader know that your blog is relevant with the current season and that you keep your blog up to date. We all know that people react to images better than to words, so make sure that whatever images or videos you are using are relevant and unique. Put some effort into it!

In conclusion, optimizing your posts to focus on the holiday season is one of the best ways to ensure your readers that you are keeping up with the times (as well as attract new readers). So, what are you waiting for?

My name is Jonathan and I am a Online Marketing and Web & Mobile Engineer with 6 + years of experience, I offer all types of Web & Mobile solutions including: SEO, SEM, PPC, VM, Web & Mobile Development, Mobile & Web Apps and IT Management.

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