Why Local Optimization Is a Must for Online Marketing

Why Local Optimization Is a Must for Online Marketing

google local optimizationOnline marketing has dramatically changed in the past couples years and we have seen many new technologies that are a must for quality marketing results. Google & Bing local optimization is something all businesses should consider if you want to be seen in your local community. With many new updates with Google & Bing algorithms, you need to consider optimizing your web or mobile site more relevant to your location and surrounding cities. Each year there are new algorithm updates and its becoming apparent that local optimization is key part to a successful online marketing campaign. If you need help or want to consider local optimization don’t hesitate contacting Marketing Giant today!

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My name is Jonathan and I am a Online Marketing and Web & Mobile Engineer with 6 + years of experience, I offer all types of Web & Mobile solutions including: SEO, SEM, PPC, VM, Web & Mobile Development, Mobile & Web Apps and IT Management.

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